Our revered Rebbe, the
Baal Menuchas Asher
of Chenger, ztvk”l

The Exceptional
The holy resting place has been beautifully renovated after a long drawn out process.
The holy resting place of the righteous tzaddik, the Baal Menuchas Osher ztvk”l, was a focal point of tefillah for Yidden from all over, who came to pour out their pained hearts and garner hashpa’os.
Unfortunately, the Second World War destroyed parts of Europe, transforming large bustling areas into derelict wasteland. This holy beis hachaim, that had been a source of inspiration for so many years, now lay desolate, with layers upon layers of wild shrubbery and mold growing rampantly.
At some point ownership of the beis hachaim fell into secular hands, and it was later sold to non- Jews, with a stipulation that Yidden should be granted entry.
The Yidden who managed to make their way to the tzion well remember how they had to pass through the home of a non-Jewish women with a wild dog. This, understandably, complicated access and made it difficult for them to reach this place renowned for yeshuos and refuos.
It’s impossible to describe the state in which Yidden found the beis hachaim after it lay forlorn for so many years. The ohel itself had almost completely caved in, matzeivos were lined up on the ground haphazardly, and there were no provisions to protect oneself from the cold or rain.
Approximately 20 years ago, grandchildren of the Rebbe threw themselves into the project, going to great lengths to renovate the entire beis hachaim. We purchased the fields nearby and renovated the fences all around for increased protection.
Upon transfer of ownership we right away began to reinstate the matzeivos and cement the paths. Then, with a sense of awe and respect, we entered the hallowed tzion, the resting place of the holy Rebbe ztvk”l.
Upon entry, we right away saw that the ohel was at the verge of collapse and with the help of several generous benefactors—who’ve made it possible for thousands of Yidden to daven and elicit yeshuos once more—we rebuilt it into a beautiful sturdy structure in just 3 short months.
In particular, superhuman efforts were involved in purchasing the entrance to the beis hachaim from the non-Jewish owners, for ease of access to the tzion. After many many years the moment finally arrived and Yidden are now able to daven at the tzion without the many disturbances that troubled visitors in the past.

Tzion Information
The town of Csenger is located in Hungary, 25 minutes away from Satmar (Romania), one hour from Kalev, 2 hours from Sighet, 2 hours from Ujhel, 2.5 hours from Kerestir, and 3 hours from the capital city of Budapest.
Csenger, Hungary (temporary address)
Csenger, Hungary

for a
month $500
Tamid $1,800
Sponsor For the ohel $100
Sponsor For the ohel $500
Sponsor For the ohel $1,800
conditioners $100
conditioners $360
conditioners $1,000
Banim $102
Hatzlachah $138
Refuah $292
Parnassah $395
The zechus of the Chengerer Rebbes ztvk”l will surely protect you and inspire a wellspring of everlasting hashpa’os!